Songs Of the Cattle Trail & Cow Camp

Complete Text & Lyrics by John A Lomax

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The Clown's Baby
He murmured; impatiently hunting,
" It's strange that I cannot find —
There, Fve looked in every corner;
It must have been left behind! "
The miners were stamping and shouting,
They were not patient men;
The clown bent over the cradle,—
" I must take you, little Ben."
The mother started and shivered,
But trouble and want were near;
She lifted the baby gently,
" You'll be very careful, dear? "
"Careful? You foolish darling!"
How tenderly it was said!
What a smile shone through the chalk and paint!
" I love each hair of his head!"
The noise rose into an uproar,
Misrule for the time was king;
The clown with a foolish chuckle
Bolted into the ring.
But as, with a squeak and flourish,
The fiddles closed their tune
"You'll hold him as if he were made of glass?"
Said the clown to the pantaloon.
The jovial fellow nodded,
" I've a couple myself," he said. "
" I know how to handle 'em, bless you!
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